Predator vs. Prey

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From Xplor: September/October 2019

The Struggle to Survive Isn't Always a Fair Fight

This Issue: Woodcock vs. Earthworm

Super Slurper

Long and flexible, this beak is made for poking, pinching, and pulling.

Braced for Escape

Barely visible bristles help the worm grip the ground and resist the bird’s pull.

Break-Away Body

The worm can lose its tail and still survive — and even regrow a new tail.

and the winner is…

The American woodcock breaks the earthworm and swallows its head. Will the tail survive? Nope. It will just die. The woodcock wins.

Also In This Issue

Grey Squirrel
Meet a few of Missouri’s mighty oaks and the critters that crave their acorns.

This Issue's Staff

Bonnie Chasteen
Les Fortenberry
Karen Hudson
Angie Daly Morfeld
Noppadol Paothong
Marci Porter
Mark Raithel
Laura Scheuler
Matt Seek
David Stonner
Nichole LeClair Terrill
Stephanie Thurber
Cliff White