MDC announces new conservation agent for Mercer County

News from the region
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Princeton, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) has assigned Dakota Sweeney as the new conservation agent for Mercer County. A native of Carrollton in Carroll County, Sweeney is already familiar with rural Missouri and MDC operations. A graduate of Culver-Stockton College, he has worked for MDC as a wildlife technician and crew leader in Livingston and Vernon counties.

“I am looking forward to getting to know the community of Mercer County,” Sweeney said. “So far, I’ve noticed the people of the county are very friendly and welcoming.”

Sweeney is a recent graduate from MDC’s Conservation Agent Training Academy in Jefferson City. The new agents received more than 1,200 hours of training in criminal investigations, defensive tactics, firearms qualifications, and technical instruction in fish, forest, and wildlife management. Training also included courses in legal studies, communications and conducting education programs, and First Aid/First Responder and CPR certification.

He also has a longtime love of the outdoors.

“I grew up up on a farm and love hunting, fishing, and trapping, anything in the outdoors. I love to travel and have different experiences in the outdoors. I love spending time in the outdoors with family and friends.”

Agent Sweeney can be reached by calling 660-953-0052, or by email at