MDC and partners offer free native warm season grass workshop April 22 in Harrisonville

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Kansas City
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Kansas City, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and natural resource partners will offer a free workshop on incorporating native warm season grasses in land management practices. The workshop will be from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, in Harrisonville. Native warm season grasses can benefit ranch or farm operations was well as wildlife.

These grasses have origin in the vast prairies once found in western Missouri. Their deep root systems make them drought hardy. They are nutritious and can provide cattle forage when non-native cool season grasses become dormant in summer. Wildlife is also adapted to these grasses. Wild turkeys will feed and loaf in native grasslands. Deer will bed down in them. Bobwhite quail will use prairie grasses and forbs for nesting, brood rearing, and over wintering.

This workshop is sponsored by MDC, University of Missouri Extension, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service. A free lunch will be provided. The workshop will be held at the Cass County Extension Office, 201 W. Wall St. in Harrisonville. COVID-19 precautions such as face masks and physical distancing will be observed.

Topics will include native warm season grasses for grazing and hay production, establishing the grasses, costs involved, and wildlife benefits.

Speakers will include:

  • Andy Carmack, MDC private lands conservationist.
  • Gene Schmitz, MU Extension field specialist for livestock.
  • Travis Harper, MU Extension field specialist for agronomy.
  • Katie Neuner, MU Extension agribusiness specialist.

Participants are asked to register at the Cass County Extension Center. Register by email at, or by calling 816-380-8460, or online at

To learn more about native warm season grasses and your property, visit