MDC temporarily lowers water levels at Fox Valley Lake CA

News from the region
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KAHOKA, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) announces that water levels at Fox Valley Lake Conservation Area (CA) in Clark County have been temporarily lowered by approximately 8 feet to help with invasive plant management.

Invasive curlyleaf pondweed was discovered in the lake in 2022, and this year’s water drawdown is being done to remove the plant from the lake during the winter. When the plants are allowed to dry out and freeze, they are more likely to die without the need for other invasive species management tools such as herbicides. Residents may recall that a similar management method was used on the lake in 2016 to control the coontail presence in the lake.

While the water levels are lowered, MDC staff will inspect and repair, if needed, the boat ramp, floating fishing dock, and the lake outlet. The fishing dock has been temporarily removed from the lake for said inspections and repairs, and it will be returned to the water as soon as possible. The boat ramp will be usable during this time, and all other area activities will not be affected. Although the water will be lower than normal, the same number of fish will be present and concentrated into a smaller area which may improve angling.

Fox Valley Lake CA is approximately 108 acres in Clark County about 7 miles northwest of Kahoka. Questions about this management effort can be directed to (573) 248-2530.